Monday, 20 November 2017

A Beauty Anti Haul

As a self confessed lover of all things beauty and skincare related, I purchase more than the average person on beauty products. That being said, I am still very good at saving my money so I know when to real in the spending and give my bank account a bit of a boost. This means most of my purchases are well thought out, sometimes there is an occasional brain fade and I purchase something on a whim, and when new products come out I read reviews and take a while to decide if I want it because I want it or because or the hype around the product. But there are always a few products that right off the bat I know that I definitely do not want. Either because I don't believe the hype around them or that I know that I will never use that product. 

Recently there have been a few blog posts and videos that instead of being a haul, they are an anti-haul. I think the first person to start this idea is Kimberly Clark, whose videos are so entertaining. But I really like this kind of video/post because instead of talking about things you buy, they talk about why they don't want certain products and almost is a way of convincing me that I don't need these products. So here are some of the products that I will definitely not be buying in the future.

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Orange Smokey Eye feat. Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette

I filmed another YouTube video! This time I played with the Anastasia Beverley Hills Modern Renaissance Palette and created an orange smokey eye. I'm definitely no professional but I feel like my makeup skills, especially my ability to create a decent eyeshadow look, have vastly improved over the last few years. I hope you enjoy the look because I would love do more like this or even something a bit out of my comfort zone.

Monday, 23 October 2017

I'm Moving To London

I can't believe it is all finally falling into place but it is. I am leaving my home of Perth, Australia to head off to London at the beginning of December! My visa arrived in the post yesterday so everything is feeling very real now. This has been in the works since about April last year but only started gaining full momentum in July this year. And with my leaving date now under seven weeks, it's starting to feel more like a reality than an idea.

Monday, 9 October 2017

A Holiday Makeup Haul

After getting back from holiday on Friday night, I have finally finished unpacking. By unpacking, I mean that everything is out of my suitcase just not back in it's original place. oops. But fingers crossed, I can motivate myself to do it before I go back to work tomorrow. I spent 10 days in New Zealand on a road trip with friends, becoming one with nature and adventure, I crawled through a cave in water to see glow worms, hiked up a extinct volcano, and luged down the side of some mountains. As you may or may not know, I am definitely not an outdoor person, so that 10 days was pretty full on and exhausting. So 4 nights in Melbourne by myself to relax and shop was a nice end to trip.


Monday, 4 September 2017

A Colourful Colourpop Haul

Lately I've been feeling a bit more experimental with my makeup and wanting to wear more colours on my eyes. So I thought, why not do a Colourpop haul? For 5 USD each, their eyeshadows are amazing quality and a great way to experiment with different colours without spending heaps of money on eyeshadow you may never wear again. 

Monday, 7 August 2017

Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette Review

Probably one of the most hyped about palettes in the beauty world, the Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette is a warm eyeshadow lover's dream. Filled with 14 shades which includes orange and berry shades, it retails for $75 AUD. This is my first experience with ABH eyeshadows so I was intrigued to see what everyone raves about. The packaging is cardboard with a velvet outside, which I can see getting very battered overtime but so far I have managed to keep it clean.

Monday, 17 July 2017

Mid Year Beauty Favourites

So we have officially passed the halfway mark of the year and seriously, where did time go! I feel like I can vividly remember days in January and February like it was only the other week. This year, I don't think I have done any favourites posts and that's because I felt pressured every month to find a group of products that I have loved which were different to the months before. I just wasn't buying a lot of new stuff to be able to do these kinds of posts so I thought I would get all the products that I have tried this year (but not necessarily launched this year) and been in love with!


Thursday, 13 July 2017

Soundtrack Of My Life

Music is my number one passion in life. Hell, I have a Bachelor of Music that's how much I love it. Recently, I have seen this "tag" post going around the blogger world of late. First, Liv from What Olivia Did posted it, then I saw one from Nana Wintour and Emma Etc. After my mini hiatus from blogging, I thought this would be a good post to get me back into the swing of things. Also, I want to write more about music on my blog so this would be the perfect post to start it off. Warning, my music taste is pretty expansive and some of the music I might mention from my past may make you cringe slightly, but that's just the way I roll. *slight reference to Jonas Brothers, off to a banging start*

Monday, 5 June 2017

My Netflix Picks

For a while, my Netflix was being pushed aside due to a busy schedule and my infatuation with podcast grew. But after a week of being sick and having a few days off work, I got reacquainted with my Netflix account. I continued to watch some series that I had left behind and discovered some new ones, as well as trying to get through the long list of things that were recommended to me. So here is a list of everything I would recommended to anyone who needs a new show or movie to watch.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Moscow Mule Cocktail

Ever since I was introduced to the world of cocktails a year and a half ago in Europe, I've been hooked. I do have a few favs that I like to order, but I'm all up for trying something new. Except anything that's milky, like a Pina Colada, not a fan at all. But one that I enjoy the most and is pretty simple to make is a Moscow Mule. Served traditionally in a copper mug, it's really refreshing and is a cocktail I think anyone can get on board with.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Shopping My Stash

With working full time now, I find that I tend to reach for the same products everyday. It just easier to know exactly what your going to wear that day then spending time deciding on different products. Especially when you want to get ready in as little time as possible. So I've done a bit of a search through my collection and picked out a few products that I don't wear often, and that I need to use more.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

The Autumn Beauty Edit

The changing of seasons brings upon a change in beauty trends and styles. And though I'm not always one to follow them religiously, they do influence what I wear. By far, my favourite makeup trends are always from the Autumn and Winter seasons. Dark lips, and rich, rusty eyeshadows are my jam. I know that there are no rules in the makeup world, but there is just something about the cooler months that makes this kind of makeup just feel so right. So here is a roundup of my favourite beauty bits that will feature in my makeup on a regular basis in the next few months.

Monday, 17 April 2017

Chatty Autumn Winter GRWM | YouTube

I've been getting into the swing of things YouTube wise lately. My editing skills are slowly coming along, and I don't seem so nervous around the camera. But that's something that I don't think I'll totally get used to. However, I've filmed a new video, a chatty GRWM using products I love to use in the Autumn/Winter months. I bloody love the cooler months and the makeup trends that come with it. So check it out below, and enjoy!

Monday, 10 April 2017

Recent Makeup Purchases

I've been a bit cheeky lately and treated myself to a few little bits. One of my life mottos is "treat yo-self". Because why not? Of course I am all for saving my money to go on a big holiday and buy all the "adults" things in life. But we all deserve a little present to ourself once in a while. Usually I'll treat myself when it's my birthday or I know I've done something that is out there for me, which is honestly a lot.

Monday, 3 April 2017

I'm Feeling 22 | 22 Things About Me

So today's my birthday! Now that I'm 22, I feel like I don't get as excited for my birthday's as I used to. I still enjoying having my family around for the day and getting a cake, but I'm all about less fuss these days. I said no to going out and getting churros last night and decided to stay inside and watch the Office, who have I become!? Anyway, I realised I have never done a "get to know me" kind of post over here. I love reading other peoples as it lets me know more about the people behind the blogs I love, and adds a personal touch. So here are 22 things about me you might not know already!

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

My Makeup Collection

So I filmed another YouTube video and this time it's my makeup collection! Definitely my favourite kind of video to watch, I just love having a snoop around other people's collection to see what they have and how they store everything. So I hope you enjoy, and I can't wait to get making more videos.

Monday, 27 March 2017

3 Face Masks I Use Regularly

Sunday night is definitely my favourite night for a bit of a pamper, prepping myself for the week ahead. But Friday nights are another great one, for winding down after the long working week. Honestly, why not pamper every night? Run yourself a nice bath with bubbles, paint your nails, Netflix marathon are all some of my favourite ways to chill out but nothing beats a good face mask to give your face a good and thorough cleaning.


Monday, 20 March 2017

An Autumn/Winter Topshop Wishlist

Leopard Print Coat | Don't Touch Me Jumper | Embroidered Skirt
Wide Sleeve Jumper | Frilly Jumper 

Last week, the autumn weather finally came to Perth, and I got so excited! Rugging up in my doona, wearing fluffy socks, and listening to the rain are some of the many things I am excited for this autumn/winter season. But, I am very keen to buy some new winter clothes, especially jumpers. I find that Topshop does some of the best winter clothes, that are a little but different to what's in the other shops.

Friday, 17 March 2017

My First YouTube Video | Everyday Makeup Tutorial 2017

So I finally bit the bullet and uploaded my first You Tube video! It has been something I have wanted to do since 2012 when I first started watching YouTube videos but I have been putting it off either because I didn't have a camera, I didn't like the way I looked, or I was just too nervous. But here we are, 5 years later, and I did it! It's not the greatest quality but I am so proud of myself for pushing myself to film this.

Monday, 13 March 2017

20 Simple Things That Make Me Happy

Even though I do enjoy fancy things every now and then, I am made happy by the simple things in life. I think that some people definitely feel like they need expensive things and big experiences to fulfil their need for happiness and contentment. And yes, I do like to treat myself every know and then. But I think we need to learn how to appreciate the little things more often, because as the saying goes, you don't know what you've got until it's gone. So here are some little things that make me all fluffy and warm inside!

Friday, 10 March 2017

L'Oreal Infallible Total Cover Foundation Review

L'Oreal have released another foundation in their Infallible range. The Infallible Total Cover Foundation is similar to the Infallible Matte in that it claims to have high coverage and a matte finish. But the difference in these are the texture, the Matte is a thin texture that dries down to an almost powdery finish with the Total Cover is more of a moussey texture. I really like the Matte foundation, so I picked this up a few months ago to see how it performs against it's sister foundation.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Wear What You Want

Growing up in a world where we are constantly bombarded with images of the "perfect body", millions of articles of how to get you body "bikini ready" for summer and ones explaining what you shouldn't wear depending on your body. It's very hard to avoid these in our day to day lives, and it affects the metal health and self esteem of many girls (and boys) worldwide. And I'm not going to lie, it definitely had an impact on me during high school and to a certain extent today. But over the past few years, even though I still struggle with having a positive image of myself, I have learnt to block out what other people say or expect and look how I like to. 

Monday, 27 February 2017

My Most Worn Lipsticks

Out of all the different categories of makeup, I definitely have an extra obsession with lipstick. Even though I do have way too many, there are always a few that I reach for more often.

Monday, 30 January 2017

My Mecca Beauty Loop Box Level 2 - January 2017

Definitely one thing that brightens up my day is getting an email from Mecca saying you can go and collect your Beauty Loop Box. I just love picking up my box of samples, which I did this week on one of my lunch breaks at work and excitedly opened it in the staff room. This time around I am a level 2 instead of a 3, but that is a good thing because it means I'm spending less!  Here's a peak at what was inside my box this quarter.

Friday, 27 January 2017

My Tips for Solo Travel

Last year after finishing university, I took the plunge and flew to Europe for a two month solo trip. I have always wanted to travel by myself but never thought I would be able to do it or afford it. But after 4 years of saving with my part time retail job, I managed to save enough for a two month break. I had always wanted to go away by myself, but just before the trip I got cold feet an almost cancelled. But I kept telling myself that I could do it and I did! So for anyone that is considering solo travel, here are some tips for you to enjoy your trip and feel safe, it will honestly be the best thing yu ever do for yourself!

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

My Top 5 Colourpop Products

About 2 or 3 years ago, Colourpop took the beauty by storm with their eyeshadows and lippie stix. At first, I wasn't really interested but as I started to see them used in more and more tutorials I thought I would give them a red hot go. 3 orders later, I am just a little bit addicted. So if you've never ordered off Colourpop before or your looking for some new things to try, here are my 5 favourite Colourpop products.

Friday, 13 January 2017

Starting And Growing Your Record Collection

Ever since I was little, I have always been intrigued by records. The way you put the needle on and the sound came out of nowhere, just like magic! I always loved raiding my parents record collection, from the questionable Englebert Humperdinck to Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights. So a few years ago, I decided to start my own collection which I would play on the old record player in the living room. That broke however a year and a half ago, halting my collecting. But this Christmas, my wish came true, receiving a shiny new record player for my room and a whole bunch of new records to go with it. I'm going to talk about how to go about collecting records if your just starting out or immersed in the record community already.

Monday, 9 January 2017

My Top 5 NARS Products

If I was asked what would be my favourite high end brand was, I think my answer would be NARS. I find that I like a lot of different products from them, ranging from their bases to lipsticks. The quality is amazing in the majority of their products and I love the packaging, but sometimes the matte black can get quite dirty. So I've compiled my 5 favourite NARS products that I recommend anyone to try!

Thursday, 5 January 2017

My Goals for 2017

Looking like a marshmallow in Belin

I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with New Year's Resolutions. On one hand, everyone does them and only 25% of people really stick to them. But one the other hand, they are a great way to help shape the year ahead and to give you bench marks to tick off when you achieve them. Some of my goals aren't to specific but are more things to be conscious of in the year ahead.

Monday, 2 January 2017

Filling Up My MAC Palette

Since I first discovered the beauty world, I have been lusting after a MAC palette that I created my self. So when I finally bit the bullet a year ago, I thought it would be a sinch to full it all up. But trying to find the perfect combination of 15 colours has been a struggle and a half. 

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