Monday, 10 April 2017

Recent Makeup Purchases

I've been a bit cheeky lately and treated myself to a few little bits. One of my life mottos is "treat yo-self". Because why not? Of course I am all for saving my money to go on a big holiday and buy all the "adults" things in life. But we all deserve a little present to ourself once in a while. Usually I'll treat myself when it's my birthday or I know I've done something that is out there for me, which is honestly a lot.

I picked up two Charlotte Tilbury bits from Cult Beauty while I was getting a new Beauty Blender and Cleaner. After lusting after the Matte Revolution Lipstick in Glastonberry and the Lip Cheat in Pillow Talk for what seems like eternity, I finally added them to my cart and made the purchase. I've used both once so far and on first impressions, I'm loving them both! The Matte Revolution formula is amazing, I would say it's a creamier version of the NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencils. Another product I have wanted for a while is the Nails Inc Gel Effect Polish in Porchester Square. I got my nails done at the Nails Inc bar in Selfridges in London the day before I was flying home as my graduation was the day after flying home and I wanted to look semi-alive after 2 months away and 26 hours of flying. It's a classic colour that I can wear all the time and I'm stoked to finally have it in my collection.

I ran out of my Body Shop Honey Bronzer (finally!) and while I did love that bronzer, I wanted to try something different after using the same one for almost 4 years. So I picked up the Too Faced Milk Chocolate Soliel Bronzer which I am loving on my pale skin right now. And the chocolaty scent is not bad either, but I my opinion wouldn't change if they did omit the scent. And because it was my birthday last Monday, I decided to treat myself to a new lipstick, the NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Walkyrie which is a dark brown nude with warm undertones. Another product that had been on my wishlist for a long time!

What have you been lusting after for a while?



  1. Ooh, you definitely treated yourself to some nice things here! I love small, but well thought out hauls. Charlotte Tilbury lip products are absolutely incredible. I have Very Victoria from her Matte Revolution formula and I've got Pillow Talk on my list to get ASAP since it's limited edition. I have the Lip Cheat in Pillow Talk and it's my most used lip liner, I love it so much. Mine is so tiny now, I use it so much!

    So many people rave on about the Milk Chocolate Soleil Bronzer and it would probably be the next bronzer I try if I were in the market for one. I've already got four though and I use bronzer so sparingly, I can't justify buying another one. I have the Too Faced Soul Mates Blushing Bronzer though, which is beautiful.

    I recently bought Walkyrie myself! I initially told myself I didn't need it, but when I saw my sister wearing it, I was like, "OMG, what are you wearing?!" and I immediately put it on my wishlist, haha. It's a very '90s colour to me, which I just love and I love darkness and warmth to it, I think I'm going to let a lot of use out of it this A/W. :)

    Tenneil | Like Neon Love

    1. Quality not quantity! I used to have Very Victoria but I lost it sometime last year, I hope it pops up again soon because I loved that lipstick. I've used the lip liner a few times now and I love it, I think I'll have to put the lipstick on my wishlist, ASAP! Walkyrie is such a beautiful colour, I've been wearing to work the past few days. x

  2. I love the look of the nail polish! Such a pretty shade!

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

  3. I'm not super into nail polishes and only really wear them on my toes, but I've been thinking about getting Porchester Square for ages now because Anna from The Anna Edit has been going on about it for years and I don't have any shades like it. And that's impressive that you got through a whole bronzer and kept using it for 4 years, no matter how much you love something it's always nice to try something new and mix it up.

    1. I'm not always the best with nail polish, I go through phases of wearing it. I can't believe I stuck with that bronzer for so long! I'm not a huge bronzer person anyway so that's why I wasn't tempted to buy others.


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