Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Shopping My Stash

With working full time now, I find that I tend to reach for the same products everyday. It just easier to know exactly what your going to wear that day then spending time deciding on different products. Especially when you want to get ready in as little time as possible. So I've done a bit of a search through my collection and picked out a few products that I don't wear often, and that I need to use more.

The Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage Concealer is great for spot concealing or colour correcting underneath foundation. But it's a bit too much of a faff to use everyday quickly. I need to remember to use this on weekends when I'm going out and I have more time to get ready because I don't want this to dry up, it was a bit pricey at the time! I bought the Urban Decay 24/7 Glide On Eye Pencil in Sabbath a while ago because I had always wanted a navy eyeliner. And while I have worn it a few times, I want to be able to wear it more often with different looks. But I'm a everyday brown eyeliner kind of gal so it's going to be hard to change that routine up.

Most of these products are eyeshadows because I find that I stick to one or two palettes at a time and forget about some of my older ones. The Maybelline Colour Tattoo in Bad to the Bronze is something that I used to wear daily when I first started working full time but over time I have just stopped reaching for it. It hasn't dried out so I need to start using that again. The palette that came with me to Europe for 2 months was the Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette which I know the reason why this got benched. I used to use this often before I left and I chose this to come away with me because I knew it would be a good all round palette. But after using it for 2 months straight, I was ready to move on to other eyeshadows when I got back home and I just haven't got back into using it regularly. My first NARS purchase, NARS Eyeshadow Duo in Kalahari, is something I haven't worn in a while and I honestly don't know why. It's got two beautiful bronze shades that would be perfect to wear during winter so I'm going to make a conscious effort to wear this more often.

What have you got hiding in your collection that you need to use more often?



  1. I've been on the hunt for bronzey-taupey eyeshadows and the NARS Kalahari duo looks great. How's the pigmentation?

    Lavanya | Elle Files

    1. The pigmentation of the NARS duo's are amazing, I would definitely recommend!

  2. I definitely have products that I've used much that I put them aside because I get a bit bored with them, and I've got the same problem you have with the LM concealer but with my beauty blender, or any kind of beauty sponge. I find them slightly too much work for every day, so I need to make more of an effort to pull them out for special occasions.

    1. I've been finding the same problem with my Beauty Blender! I used to use it religiously, but it's too much of an effort for days when I'm rushing to get ready for work.


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