Monday, 11 April 2016

The Beauty Lover Tag

I love reading tag posts. I feel it's interesting to see everyone's different answers to the same question, and see how similar or different they are. I saw Faith from That's Just Fabulous do this tag so I thought I would give it a go too!

If you could have anyone in the world do your makeup, who would it be?

Probably Jaclyn Hill. I am such an eyeshadow noob, and I've always loved her dramatic and more out there eyeshadow looks and I would love her to teach me how to do it personally and I would love to see which eye shadows she would think look good on me.

What's your top makeup tip?

Always scrub and moisturise your lips before applying a matte lipstick or liquid lipstick. It will help it apply evenly and your lips won't become as dry as they would without the lip balm. WIth some of these matte lip formulas you just can't escape the dryness.

What's one makeup item you could not live without?

Definitely mascara. My eyes would look tiny and get lost in my face without it. Mascara just helps them stand out a bit more and help to show that I do actually have eyelashes!

What one skincare item could you not live without?

Cleanser hands down. With my oily skin, it's always feeling dirty, especially after wearing makeup for a long time. I love balm cleansers or oil cleansers because they get everything off but don't strip your face of moisture.

What are you the worst at when it comes to applying makeup?

Anything to do with the eye area. Brows, eyeshadow & eyeliner. But if I would pick one it would be eyeliner, I just don't have a steady hand so it just ends up being a think uneven line, instead of a beautiful flick.

What's your biggest pet peeve when it comes to beauty?

Not having pumps on all foundations that don't come in a squeezy tube! It's just harder to get out and is really unhygienic. And what's extra annoying is companies that sell the pump separate! #firstworldproblems

What's your favourite makeup era?

Definitely the 1950's. I feel like it was the era of the glamorous look that centralized around Hollywood. My mum has always loved watching old movies with actresses such as Grace Kelly Audrey Hepburn, and Lauren Bacall, and they always looked so beautiful and glamorous. My mum called me Lauren after Lauren Bacall because she thought she was the most beautiful person, and also, her eyebrows are probably the most beautiful eyebrows in the history of the world!

What's your guilty pleasure object?

I'm not a real believer in guilty pleasures because if you like something you shouldn't feel guilty about it. But the one object I can never have enough of is lipstick, especially dark shades. The amount of colours that I have that are virtually identical is insane!

What's your underdog product?

Probably the Stila Stay All Day Foundation, you never hear much of it but it's great! It's a fuller coverage foundations that doesn't feel heavy on the skin. And if you apply it with a damp Beauty Blender, it works a dream!

What was your favourite product of 2015?

Probably the Too Faced Natural Eyes Palette. I used this almost everyday for my eyeshadow last year. For everyday looks to a smokey eye, this just does everything! It has my favourite all over shade and my favourite crease colour in there, so I'm always using it with other eyeshadows as well.

I tag Tasha from shiwashful., Emma from Emmys Beauty Cave, and Kat from Katness Life and Loves to do this tag, but everyone should do it! Let me know if you do because I would love to check it out!



  1. I love the Natural Eyes palette and really suck at eyeliner as well (it doesn't stop me from buying them though). Great tag, I might do this on my blog too.

    Kiran |

    1. Me too! I'm a sucker for a good liner but have no idea how to apply it! Let me know if you do the tag, I would love to read it! x

  2. Never get enough lipsticks? Yep, just like me! :D
    I def want some colourpop lipstickx!!!!

    xoxo, Colli

    1. I recently got two of the Colourpop Lippiestix and they're are amazing, I would definitely recommend them! x

  3. Aw thank you for tagging me! I've been meaning to do this tag for so long since someone else also tagged me - I need to get off my butt and do it already! Lovely answers - agree, cannot live without cleanser!

    Tasha // shiwashiful.

    1. No problem! Don't know what I would do without my cleanser honestly, my acne would probably be ten times worse! x

  4. I totally agree with the not having pumps on foundations issue. I recently got one with my Nars Sheer Glow and it makes it so much easier in the mornings.

    Georgia | The Weekend Attic - Personal Style, Beauty and Lifestyle

    1. I did that when I got my Sheer Glow, but I had to wait a few weeks before it arrived, and the result without was just a hot mess! x


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