Friday, 25 July 2014

A Little Bit of LUSH

So Lush happened. Whoops. After seeing that they were going to be releasing limited edition Christmas in July, I planned a shopping trip for July 18th. I ended up being quite refrained, which is a good sign for my bank account. I picked up two bath bombs, the Golden Wonder and Twilight, the first of which is one of the Christmas products. I bought this one last Christmas and it is my favourite bath bomb ever! It smells like Christmas and all good things, and I've kept it my room and now my room smells ah-mazing. The other bath ballistic is new to me I'm excited to try that one.

I bought two bars of soap, Angel's Delight and Sea Vegetable. The first one is another of my Christmas favourites so I had to pick it up, and the second one intrigued me so of course I got that too. I then picked up the Dorothy bubble bar, which smells like it should be relaxing. Okay, that sentence did not make any sense whatsoever but that's the only way I could think of describing it as! Lastly, I got the  I Love Juicy Shampoo which is aimed at oily hair. It smells like a fruit salad and I'm excited to start using it!

I'm going to try and refrain myself from Lush for a while but somehow I don't see that happening. Wish me luck!



  1. I havent been to lush for ages! I love all their bath bombs though!
    xprincessjas | ♥

  2. This makes me want to go out to Lush right now and buy a bunch of their bubble bars. I love those things! I've never tried any of the products you mentioned but they all sound great!

    xx, Coreyiel
    The Luxe Minimalist

    1. If you try one, try the Golden Wonder bath bomb. It's a Christmas product but it's the most amazing smelling product ever! x


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