Tuesday, 15 July 2014

My Top 5 Beauty Channels on YouTube

So about a 1 year ago, I thought YouTube was just something to watch cute cats and funny fail videos on when I should have been doing my homework. I then discovered the world of beauty vloggers and gurus. I went on there to look up reviews and hauls of Lush because a friend had got me interested in the brand. The first videos I watched were Zoella's Huge Lush Haul and Missglamorazzi's My Favourite LUSH Products! After that, I was hooked. I then discovered more and also started reading beauty blogs. I was reading them till 2am which was terrible, but it inspired me to start my own. Anyway, enough about me, here are my favourite beauty channels on YouTube.

5. ICOVETTHEE - Alix is one of my favourites because she has a great range of videos, ranging from tutorials, to hauls and vlogs. Her hair is to die for as well! She always looks so glamorous but so simple which is what I love about her. She always has an alternative when she's talking about products which helps if you're on a budget.
Favourite Videos: Autumn Smokey Eye Look and Get Ready With Me: Everyday Makeup

4. ZOELLA - As one of the first YouTubers I watched, she has to be on this list. Her hair is like a glorious unicorn mane, and her sense of style is so cute! I love how she isn't afraid to include bloopers and make fun of herself because is shows to me that she's just like everyone else. Every time I watch her videos, I am always smiling because she's so chirpy all the time! Her collaborations with other YouTubers are some of my favourites to watch.
Favourite Videos: The Boyfriend Tag, Shopping & Haul With Baby Glitter and My Autumn & Winter Essentials

3. MISSGLAMORAZZI - Another of my first YouTubers, Ingrid is such a beautiful person! She has been around for a while, but she keeps coming up with amazing new ideas and videos it's crazy! I find I buy a lot of stuff that she recommends because we have similar skin types so I trust her judgement, and so far, they have been great!
Favourite Videos: Beauty Products Worth The Hype! and Ingrid's Apartment Tour!!!

2. ESSIEBUTTON - Essie is the funniest beauty vlogger on YouTube hands down. Seriously, it feels like she's talking right to you because she's so down to earth. Also, #DACLIP. I also love watching her blogs and she has the prettiest apartment/house I have seen.
Favourite Videos: Let's Talk Tutorial: First Impressions/Old Favourites and Perfect Palette TAG

1. VIVIANNADOESMAKEUP - When I was picking my top 5, picking the YouTuber for the first spot was the easiest bit. I absolutely adore Anna! I love all of her videos, especially her weekly vlogs and beauty chats with Lily. Her taste in simple makeup is amazing and I always obsess over her bold lips when she wears them. She talks to you in a way that makes you feel like you know each other and she never fails to make me smile.
Favourite Videos: Lip Product Addict TAG, Makeup Collection & Storage, and any Weekly Vlog!

Who are your favourites?


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