Wednesday, 13 April 2016

A Little Birthday Haul

So my birthday was last week and I was lucky enough to get some spending money! Of course being me, that money is going to be spent on makeup. I had a few things on my list to get at Mecca Maxima but they had none of the shades I was after. So rather than spending the money just because I was there, I put it into my bank account for a future Sephora order where I would actually spend the money on something I really wanted.

So the one thing that was on top of my wishlist was the Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette. It seems like everyone and their pet fish has this palette, and I have been lusting after this for a long time. I am so excited to use this, the colours are amazing and the pigmentation is on point! I feel like I will never fall out of love with this palette. Another thing that has been on my wishlist is a highlighter, because believe it or not, I did not own a highlighter. *shocked faces all round*. I was at the MAC counter and uhming and ahing about which Mineralize Skin Finish to get; Lightscapade or Soft & Gentle. As you can see I ended up going for Soft & Gentle. It gives off a champagne golden glow, and made me look slightly healthy!

I also went into Lush to pick up at face mask because #treatyoself. I was recommended the Brazened Honey Fresh Face Mask for my acne and scarring. The sales assistant also kindly gave me a sample of the Ocean Salt Scrub and the Enzymion Moisturiser, which I've tried before and didn't like but this time the texture seemed different.

Have you used any of these products and what have you hauled recently?



  1. Happy belated birthday! I hope you do enjoy the Chocolate Bar palette. It's one of my most reached for eyeshadow palettes. Oooh Soft & Gentle! I haven't tried that but I've heard it's an awesome highlight!

    xo Kat @ Katness

    1. Thank you! I love it already! I've used Soft & Gentle twice now and I'm really loving it! x

  2. Ooh I love the sound of Brazened Honey! I'm a big fan of Soft and Gentle too :) hope you had a nice birthday xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

    1. I finally joined the Soft & Gentle bandwagon, I use it everyday! Thank you! xx


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