Thursday, 13 July 2017

Soundtrack Of My Life

Music is my number one passion in life. Hell, I have a Bachelor of Music that's how much I love it. Recently, I have seen this "tag" post going around the blogger world of late. First, Liv from What Olivia Did posted it, then I saw one from Nana Wintour and Emma Etc. After my mini hiatus from blogging, I thought this would be a good post to get me back into the swing of things. Also, I want to write more about music on my blog so this would be the perfect post to start it off. Warning, my music taste is pretty expansive and some of the music I might mention from my past may make you cringe slightly, but that's just the way I roll. *slight reference to Jonas Brothers, off to a banging start*


This is so hard to think of! I've been collecting CDs since I was about 7, but I think the first few I got were singles (who remembers when you could be CD singles, #retro). I also used to get So Fresh CDs, mainly the Autumn ones because they would come out just before my birthday. But I think my actual first album would be Avril Lavigne's Let Go. Sk8er Boi anyone? All I ever wanted was to wear a tie and t-shirt combo because of her.


When I first saw this heading, I thought awkward, I can't answer this because of me being a single pringle. But then I actually read people's answers and saw what it really meant. The album that I have listened to on a regular basis for a long time would have to be Suck It And See by the Arctic Monkeys. It's just such complete album, and probably one of the only albums where I love every song. I think this album is timeless and will be one that will be played for a long time. When I discovered the Arctic Monkeys and then a year later this album came out, I felt like the coolest kid going around. Obviously I wasn't.


There are a few songs that never fail to pick up my mood and they may be not the coolest songs out there, but they are so damn catchy. Paul Simon's You Can Call Me Al is probably my favourite song of all time and makes me so happy whenever it comes on, that bass line gets me groovin'. Also, My Girl by the Temptations and I Can't Help Myself by the Four Tops, are such cute songs that make me all warm and fuzzy inside.


I come from a long line of daggy dancers and I am damn proud of it. George Harrison's I Got My Mind Set On You  brings out all of my daggy moves. One song that reminds me of all the nights out clubbing in Europe while I was on Contiki is Darude's Sandstorm. It became our unofficial anthem for the trip, requesting it on the bus and everywhere we went. And when it came on in the clubs we would all dance like absolute maniacs. So whenever this comes on somewhere, I have the sudden urge to rave.


I assume this doesn't count all the Wiggles concerts I used to go to when I was a young one, so it would have to be John Butler Trio at the Fremantle Arts Centre. It was one where you brought picnic blankets to and ate food while you watched, so nothing too hard core (also I was about 12) and very chilled. My first proper arena kind of concert was Maroon 5 and the now no-exsitant Burswood Dome, the biggest sauna from memory.


There are so many sings that I wish I had written but there were a few that popped into my head first. Bon Iver's Beth/Rest is one of the most beautiful songs that has ever been written in my opinion and to be able to write something that is so beautiful is something I wish I had the talent to do. Also, same goes for Matt Corby's Untitled. But, anything by Haim to be honest. I love all of their songs and they are just so unique.


Tonight by the Jonas Brothers. I was a big JoBro fan back in the day, and this was my favourite song of theirs. Not going to lie, I still listen to them sometimes. But anything by the Jonas Brothers reminds me of my early high school days where Disney was king and I used listen to people like Miley Cyrus and Aly and AJ.


Easy, Uptown Girl by Bill Joel. This was on Singstar on the PS2, and I broke the song on the disc because I played it so often! So this is the song I always break out, but if I'm feeling adventurous (or tipsy), then it's Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush. Bit of a hard one but it makes people laugh when I break out my (terrible) Kate Bush impression.


 This was a tough one, because I've never lived away from home so I don't have songs that I associate with Perth, but there are songs that I associate with my parents. With my mum, it's Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond, which she always love singing, but anything by ABBA really. With my Dad, it's Born to Run by the Boss, but any of that 70's rock stuff reminds me of him.


This is so tough! But I think it would have to be Days Are Gone by Haim. Another album where I love every one of the songs, it's just the perfect album that has a song that can suit any kind of mood. The Wire is one of the grooviest songs, but my fave would have to be Don't Save Me. But I feel seriously cool listening to this and I know this will always be one of my favourite albums of all time.

I would love to see what you wrote for this tag so let me know on twitter or in the comments if you do do it so I can give it a read.


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