Monday, 20 November 2017

A Beauty Anti Haul

As a self confessed lover of all things beauty and skincare related, I purchase more than the average person on beauty products. That being said, I am still very good at saving my money so I know when to real in the spending and give my bank account a bit of a boost. This means most of my purchases are well thought out, sometimes there is an occasional brain fade and I purchase something on a whim, and when new products come out I read reviews and take a while to decide if I want it because I want it or because or the hype around the product. But there are always a few products that right off the bat I know that I definitely do not want. Either because I don't believe the hype around them or that I know that I will never use that product. 

Recently there have been a few blog posts and videos that instead of being a haul, they are an anti-haul. I think the first person to start this idea is Kimberly Clark, whose videos are so entertaining. But I really like this kind of video/post because instead of talking about things you buy, they talk about why they don't want certain products and almost is a way of convincing me that I don't need these products. So here are some of the products that I will definitely not be buying in the future.

When this first came out everyone went a bit crazy over this metallic peel-off mask, but I new straight from the get-go that this wasn't for me. I really dislike peel-off masks as on me they never seem to come off seamlessly. This ends up with product stuck on my face or getting caught in my hair. Also, $98 is a lot for a mask. I might pay that for another GlamGlow mask but certainly not me. I think these kinds of masks are just a bit gimmicky.

I LOVE the Modern Renaissance palette, probably one of my favourite makeup products of all time. But I don't think I will be running out to purchase the Subculture palette any time soon. The shades I feel are a bit to out there for me, and I don't know if I could not create one eye look, let alone a few, with the palette. Maybe for someone who is more creative with their eyeshadow or is willing to be a bit experimental, but for an eyeshadow noob like me, this palette isn't on my wish list.

Cushion Foundations
I was originally going to talk about the Lacome cushion foundation but then I realised that I don't like the idea of them in general. I feel like you would waste a lot of the product in the cushion itself. And also, the cushion would dry out really quickly if you didn't keep it sealed properly. I just don't see the appeal in this, not my cup of tea.

A lot of people rave about this primers and it probably is a good one. However, I despise anything with a coconut scent. I know so many people love this scent and as soon as summer comes around, everything seems to smell of coconuts. I thought I would have been able to get past it but I had a sample of it that I took a wife off and I just couldn't bring myself to put it on my face.

Tarte always come out with really cool limited edition products, and Christmas is the time when all the best things come out. But I can never see myself owning a blush palette, let alone one with 10 blushes! I don't think I will ever use 10 different blushes, and they are not travel friendly, I mean who would take 10 blushes on a holiday? Also, some of them look really similar so I don't see the point. Not for me.

Let me know what's on your anti haul list!


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