Sunday, 21 August 2016

August Playlist | 2016

I fell like this month I've been listening to a lot more music. I've just started working in the city so I catch public transport for half and hour twice a day, so I have heaps of time to listen to music and really focus on it. Even though I've been listening to a lot of new music this month, I've been loving scrolling through the playlists on Spotify for some old gems!

I've been loving the song Friends which features Bon Iver, who's self titled album is probably one of my favourites of all time! His voice is so relaxing and beautiful, it can send anyone of into dreamland within seconds of hearing it. The Preatures have released a new single which is just as good as all their other stuff. They have definitely changed since their first EP but I've been loving them with whatever they do. Also, my the Cure obsession was spiked this month and I've been listening to them almost everyday for the past month.

What have you been listening to this month?


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