Wednesday, 3 August 2016

The AM & PM Routine Tag

I have seen this tag floating around the blogging world for a while now, and I thought why not put my two cents in and do my own answers for the the tag. I like this one because it is a little different to others, this one is almost a "getting ready" and "get unready with me" post but it's in question and answer form. So here are my answers to the tag!


1. What is your morning beauty routine?

Well the first thing I do when I get up is a nice hot shower, where I wash my face. Then I'll finish off the rest of my skincare routine once I get out of the shower. It's just a simple routine of cleansing, using a toner spray, and then moisturising, nothing fancy!

2. What's for breakfast?
Lately, I've been all about the toast and strawberry jam, or if I've run out of that it's black cherry jam. I used to eat a lot of cereal, like Fruity Bix, but I find that if I have milk in the morning, it doesn't agree with me. Though I treat myself occasionally to a big bowl of Coco pops!

3. Coffee or tea?
Neither! I know, I'm weird. I just don't like drinking hot drinks. I much prefer a glass of orange or mango and orange juice!

4. How long does it take to get out the door?
Probably around and hour and a half. I hate having to get ready quickly, so I'll get up a bit earlier so that I don't have to rush around in the morning and slowly get ready.

5. What is your go to makeup look on a fuss-free morning?
If I'm at home all day, I won't bother with any makeup. But if I have to run some errands, I will do a simple look. I use a powder foundation with a little bit of concealer underneath if my skin is particularly spotty. Then I will put a little bit of brown eyeliner on my lash line, then add lots of mascara. Mascara is one thing I could never leave the house without it on. Then I'll add a little bit of lip gloss or a sheer lipstick. If I'm working, I'll use liquid foundation, add some blush and eyeshadow, and maybe a more opaque lipstick.


6. What is your evening beauty routine?

The first thing I do when I get home is take off my makeup. If I'm wearing a lot, I will use a cleansing oil, but if it's only little bits I'll either use micellar water or cleansing wipes. Then before I go to bed, I'll do the full routine. Cleanse, then some nights I will use a face mask, but if not, I'll skip straight to a chemical exfoliant. Then I brush my teeth, moisturise my face and for added moisture, I'll use a hydrating face mist. If I have any bad spots, I'll then use a drying lotion to help clear them overnight. Then before I hop into bed, I apply a slathering of lip balm because my lips can get very chapped overnight.

7. Snack time! What's in the bowl?
Chocolate! I'll usually have that at night while watching telly with my family or if there's any cake of cupcakes, I'll have that instead.

8. How do you wind down and prep for bed?
At the moment, I'm trying to read more before I go to bed, but usually it's either watching something on Netflix or playing spider solitaire on my iPad. I am trying to switch off all my devices earlier so by the time I'm ready to sleep, my brain isn't as active.

9. Cozy up! What are you wearing to sleep?
I love dark coloured tartan pajama bottoms in winter and usually a maroon or navy long sleeve top. Also novelty socks, last night's pair was the Little Mermaid, tonight's are Bambi!

10. What are some things you must do before hitting the hay?
Lip balm before bed is a must, also making sure my dressing gown and slippers are at the end of my bed for the morning. Also, I make sure all my alarms are set if I have to be somewhere early the next morning.

I want everyone to do this tag and send me the link if you end up doing it!


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