Monday, 8 February 2016

My Euro Trip 15/16 Part 1: London, Amsterdam, Berlin & Prague

Squirrel! - London
So at the end of November last year, I packed my bags and headed on a solo trip around Europe. It wasn't completely solo, I had a group tour and I was staying with some of my family at some point. I would highly recommend travelling solo if you haven't. It is such a different experience than travelling with others and I would definitely do it again. I don't know how many parts there will be in this series but I hope you enjoy some of my photos from my travels!

Carnaby Street - London
London by night - London
Clog heaven - Amsterdam
The East Side Gallery - Berlin
The East Side Gallery & Me! - Berlin
Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe - Berlin
One of the many canals in Europe - Prague


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