Monday, 29 February 2016

February Favourites | 2016

Another month, another favourites. The month of February has been a busy one. After getting back from my holiday, I've been looking for jobs, starting to plan my 21st, going to other people's 21st and getting back into the swing of things. I haven't bought any makeup since getting back as I am now super poor, but I did start to use all the stuff I got while I was away, which is mainly what you'll see in this favourites.

Friday, 26 February 2016

Euro Trip Part 2: Vienna, Krakow, Budapest, Ljubljana & Venice

So here is Part 2 of my adventure to Europe. This post is a taste of Eastern Europe, which was probably my favourite part of my trip. All this was done on my Contiki tour which I would highly recommend you check out. Eastern Europe has so many cool cultures and customs, and also cheap alcohol ($2 AUD Pints anyone?). My favourite city would have to be Budapest. I would say it's the Melbourne of Europe, still a typical Eastern city but with a lot of modern and trendy places.


Wednesday, 24 February 2016

2016: The Year I'm Getting Organised

So last year I felt I was pretty organised. I managed to complete my final year of uni, and plan a 2 month holiday with only a few breakdowns! This year I aim to be more organised, and keep it up for the whole year. For anything stationary, I always go to Kikki.k. They just have the cutest stuff and I'm always lusting after something new every time I go in.

Monday, 22 February 2016

February Playlist | 2016

This month's playlist has some seriously bangin' tunes on it. Matt Corby, The 1975, and Flume have released some really cool music recently, which has been on repeat. Also, I discovered BØRNS who has the most amazing voice and his tunes are super catchy! I've been listening to a lot of the Beatles ever since I visited Liverpool, the home of the Beatles. Their music is so influential and I think will definitely stand the test of time!


Friday, 19 February 2016

My Reading Goals For 2016

So my 2015 reading challenge was a bit of a fail. My goal was too high, and my life got too busy towards the end of the year. In the end. instead of reading for enjoyment and relaxation, it turned more into a race against the clock. This made reading not enjoyable.


Wednesday, 17 February 2016

MAC Pro Longwear Nourishing Waterproof Foundation

Before I went away for two months I wanted to get myself a foundation that I knew would do everything. Keep my face matte, stay on my face for long periods of time, cover my acne, withstand some crazy weather, and be in a plastic case so that no breakages would occur. So that's where the MAC Pro Longwear Nourishing Waterproof Foundation comes in. And did it live up to all my expectations? Yes it did.


Monday, 15 February 2016

How I Clean My Brushes

Washing my brushes is one task I definitely don't look forward to doing but the end result is amazing. The feel of clean brushes is so satisfying. The unwanted side effect of prune-like hands, not so much. But washing your brushes is very important for hygienic reasons and also helps with better application of products.


Friday, 12 February 2016

Europe Beauty Haul Part 2: Selfridges, Charlotte Tilbury & More

So here is part 2 of my Europe beauty haul. The previous post had all things bought on the continent of Europe, but all things in this post is what I bought in the UK. Again, I didn't buy as much as I was intending to as the Aussie dollar to pound exchange rate is terrible! But I picked out the things that I had been lusting after the most.


Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Europe Beauty Haul Part 1: Sephora, Kiko, & More

One of the exciting things about my trip to Europe was the beauty shopping! A lot of the brands that are difficult to get in Australia or almost inaccessible, were easily available whilst I was there. It was amazing! Also, experiencing Sephora for the first time was fabulous! They now have a few in Australia, but they are all on the east side of Australia, and I live in the west.


Monday, 8 February 2016

My Euro Trip 15/16 Part 1: London, Amsterdam, Berlin & Prague

Squirrel! - London
So at the end of November last year, I packed my bags and headed on a solo trip around Europe. It wasn't completely solo, I had a group tour and I was staying with some of my family at some point. I would highly recommend travelling solo if you haven't. It is such a different experience than travelling with others and I would definitely do it again. I don't know how many parts there will be in this series but I hope you enjoy some of my photos from my travels!

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Where I've Been & Where I'm Going

So I've been absent from this space for over two months now. The last 3 months of my life has been the craziest time. At the end of November I finished university, and then left for a nine week holiday exploring Europe! I arrived home at the end of January and just 36 hours later I graduated from university! Even though that all happened over nine weeks, it felt like it happened in the blink of an eye! That is such a cliche thing to say but that is truly how I feel about it now. Look out for a few posts detailing my holiday, and few cheeky post about the things I bought!

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