Monday, 18 July 2016

July Playlist | 2016

The most prominent part of my month of music was my rediscovery of my love for John Newman. I loved his first album Tribute but I don't know why but I never got around to listening to his follow up, Revolve. However the other week, he released his new single Ole`, which is written by Calvin Harris and is "supposedly" about the whole HiddleSwift situation. At first I wasn't to keen on it because it sounded different to his previous stuff, but after a few listens I am totally addicted! So I've been listening to his second album on repeat and it's amazing stuff, his voice is amzing and makes me weak at the knees!

Also, Two Door Cinema Club have released a new single so I'm desperately hoping there is a new album in the very near future. I've been loving Demi's latest single and I've been a fan of her since the Camp Rock days. She has such a powerful voice and her music seems to really reflect herself.

What have you been listening to this month? I would love some recommendations as I'm always on the hunt for new music!


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