Monday, 25 July 2016

My Mecca Beauty Loop Box Level 3 | July 2016

This trimester's box is a bit different to ones they have previously released before. Instead of having regular samples put in, usually they have the same products for every box in that level but products vary between the different levels. However this one, they feature products that their staff love. Their are 11 products selected for Level 3 but you will get a random selection of four in your box. I think it's great to have samples of products that people already love, especially people who know a lot and get to test out a lot of products all the time.

I was really happy with what I got in my box. Probably the sample that I'm most eager to try is the NARS Liquid Laguna Bronzer. I haven't used the powder one before but they have recently released a liquid version and I have never used a liquid bronzer before so that should be interesting. I'm also excited to give the BareMinerals Lash Domination Volumising Mascara a go because I want to purchase a high end mascara but I'm not to sure which one yet.

I will probably give the REN V-Cense Revitalising Night Cream to my mum because it would suit her skin type better than mine. I always like the REN samples though because I feel like they give you a good size to test out. I'm always on the hunt for a good makeup remover so I hope the Josie Maran Argan Cleansing Oil will be one that I might buy in the future.

What did you get in your Beauty Loop Box this month?


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