Friday, 29 April 2016

The Monthly Edit | April 2016

Doing a monthly favourites post, I've always felt the pressure to pick out products to feature even if they haven't been a favourite, just to have a post. This month, I want to try something a bit different that I have been wanting to do for a long time. More of a monthly edit, talking about everything that has happened this month, things I have loved that aren't just beauty related, and a general round up of what's been happening on my blog this month.


Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Shades of Autumn

The magical season of Autumn is upon us in Australia and I couldn't be more excited! The temperature drops, rain is more frequent, and I can now snuggle up in my doona! #bliss. This season brings all my favourite colours back in trend with all the burgundys, bronzes, and plums. I want to show you my favourite products and colours for this beautiful season!

Friday, 22 April 2016

Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation Review

The Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation is a cult classic foundation that has been talked about for so many years. But it seems to be a product that people either love or hate. Many complain that the finish is fake, or that the formula is too thick, but others love the finish, and say that the lasting power is amazing. I am one of the latter group of people, who love this foundation. I gave in to the hype a month ago and I haven't looked back.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

April Playlist | 2016

April has been the month of new discoveries in music and also the return of one of my favourites. The Last Shadow Puppets have returned with a new album and it's as lush as the first one. Alex Turner's voice makes me weak at the knees, it's so velvety. I've been loving listening to Little Mix this month which is weird because I never liked them before and I haven't listened to as much pop music, but I'm loving there newer album.


Monday, 18 April 2016

Warmer Scents For The Cooler Months

Perfume is something I love but my collection is not massive. For me, my love of the perfume has to be so strong that I will buy it without second thoughts, I don't want one that I'm not sure about. And especially because it can be pretty pricey. Most of the time, my birthday wishlists mostly consist of perfumes. I used to be all about the fresh and floral scents, and I still am, but lately I've been loving some of the richer scents in the cooler seasons. *cue the bad scent descriptions, I wish smell-o-vision was a thing*

Friday, 15 April 2016

My Current Netflix Picks

Netflix is a deep deep hole that is a struggle to get yourself out of. I've been down that hole many times in the past month. after finishing uni and not having a full time job yet, I have a lot of spare time. There are some seriously good shows and movies on Netflix that I have been addicted to.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

A Little Birthday Haul

So my birthday was last week and I was lucky enough to get some spending money! Of course being me, that money is going to be spent on makeup. I had a few things on my list to get at Mecca Maxima but they had none of the shades I was after. So rather than spending the money just because I was there, I put it into my bank account for a future Sephora order where I would actually spend the money on something I really wanted.

Monday, 11 April 2016

The Beauty Lover Tag

I love reading tag posts. I feel it's interesting to see everyone's different answers to the same question, and see how similar or different they are. I saw Faith from That's Just Fabulous do this tag so I thought I would give it a go too!


Thursday, 7 April 2016

My MAC Lipstick Collection

Before I had the money to be able to afford brands like MAC, their lipsticks had been the one item that I had said to my self "one day I will have them all". Which will never happen. One, because am I really going to wear all the shades they have, no. And two, I don't need to have the shades I won't wear. So over the past couple of years, I have been picking up MAC lipsticks that I feel like I would wear often and really get the use out of them. My collection is only small, but I do have a few on my wishlist for my next trip to MAC or when I Back to MAC.


Monday, 4 April 2016

What I've Been Reading Recently #1

This year, I decided to take the Goodreads Reading challenge, and I have pledged to read 25 books by the end of the year. So far I have read 4, and we are a quarter of the way through the year which means I'm a bit behind my goal, but I don't want to push myself to read quicker just to reach a goal. I want to enjoy reading these books and not feel like it's a chore. I used to be an avid reader when I was in school, I read at the breakfast table, on my way to school, on the way home, and before I went to bed. I want to make reading something I love and enjoy again.
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