Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Evening Skincare Routine

I recently talked about my morning skincare routine, so course my evening skincare routine is up next. My night time routine is anything fancy either, the only time it changes is if I add a mask into the mix. Even though I love wearing and putting on makeup, nothing beats the feeling off taking it off and cleaning your skin!

To take off my makeup, I either use the Clinique Take The Day Off Makeup Remover if my makeup is heavy, or if I don't have much on, I use the Garnier Micellar Water. The to cleans my skin and make sure all the makeup is off, I use the Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel  is a gel that turns into an oil when you massage it on your face. If I feel like putting a mask on, my go to one lately is the Aesop Parsley Seed Mask, which is a good deep cleansing mask and helps keep blemishes at bay. Then to tone, I have been loving the Mario Badescu Glycolic Acid Toner which gently exfoliates my skin to help get rid of my acne scars.

To moisturise, I use two different things. If I just want to moisturise like usual, I will use the  Origins Ginzing Moisturiser, which is a great lightweight gel. If I want something with more oomph, I will use the Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask. This is a moisturising mask, and I use it as a moisturiser some nights when my skin is feeling a bit dry. Then to hydrate my under eye area, I use the Origins Ginzing Refreshing Eye Cream.

What do you love using at night? Also, let me know if you have any recommendations for skincare products for combination/oily skin with scarring, I would love to try out some new things!


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