Tuesday, 31 May 2016

The Monthly Edit | May 2016

The month of May has been a quiet month. Nothing much has happened which is good in some ways but bad in others. I've been doing some work experience which involves social media which has been so interesting. It was something that I was interested in learning more about and I feel like I have learnt a lot while I have been there.


Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Evening Skincare Routine

I recently talked about my morning skincare routine, so course my evening skincare routine is up next. My night time routine is anything fancy either, the only time it changes is if I add a mask into the mix. Even though I love wearing and putting on makeup, nothing beats the feeling off taking it off and cleaning your skin!


Monday, 23 May 2016

Empties #9

I went to chuck something in my empties bag and saw it was over flowing so this post is definitely due. It's always satisfying use up a whole product and I love hearing everyone's thoughts on a product they have obviously used up. 

Friday, 20 May 2016

My Morning Skincare Routine

Skincare is something that I have realised over the past year is probably the most important thing you can do to help your makeup application. I have been trying a lot of things recently but I have stuck to the same products now for about a month so I thought I would share them with you.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

May Playlist | 2016

Another month, another playlist. This month I've been seriously loving listening to the current The 1975 album, and  Change of Heart has fast become one of my favourites. The CD has been in my car for the past month and I'm still loving it! I also started listening to Melanie Martinez and I've realised why everyone raves about her! Got a bit of George Harrison in there, and The Archies, very retro!


Thursday, 12 May 2016

My Picks From Maybelline

Maybelline would have to be one of my favourite brands in the drugstore. Their price point is spot on and the quality of most of their products is of a pretty high standard that would rival some of the higher priced brands.Even though I love most of the Maybelline products I've tried, there are some that have disappointed me. But that's not what I am here to talk about today, I'm here to celebrate the products that I love from the brand.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Products That Are Worth The Hype

I believe that I don't give into the hype too easily, especially when it comes to new products. I like to read and watch a lot of reviews before I go out and spend my money on it. Maybe it's because I don't have the ability to splurge money on every beauty product that comes out to test or maybe because I really don't want to waste my money. But these products are ones that after doing lots of research, I bought and they were as good or even better than people claimed them to be.


Thursday, 5 May 2016

My 3 Easy Money Saving Tips

As you know, I am a shopaholic. I like to spend lots of my money on lots of things. But, I feel like lately, I have been saving a bit more and spending less. Don't get me wrong, I still like a good shop but these days I'm more conscious of my money, as I'm try to save for a few big things like a new laptop and new tires for my car, living the adult life.  The way that I save money are what I think works for me, but may not be the way you would like to save. I prefer putting away small amounts often as it feels like I still have enough to treat myself with something. I think these are perfect because your saving little amounts at a time, and it's easy to accumulate a lot!


Monday, 2 May 2016

Chanel Perfection Lumiere Velvet Foundation Review

I am always on the lookout for a perfect base for my skin. One that has enough coverage to cover my acne but won't feel heavy on my skin. One that is easy to blend out and is pale enough for my stark white skin. And I may have found one that ticks those boxes.
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