Thursday, 31 March 2016

March Favourites | 2016

March has been a super hectic month for me. A large majority of my family have their birthday's this month, and with mine at the beginning of April, things have been quite busy, and my bank account has been drained. I haven't bought much beauty wise this month, bar a few replacements of skincare bits and bobs. 

Monday, 28 March 2016

Empties #8

I want to restructure how I write out my empties posts. I felt like it was a bit tedious and would sometimes be a super long post. I would list each product individually, write my thoughts on them and then say whether I would repurchase them or not. Now, I want to write two sections; one fore repurchases and one fore the products I wouldn't buy again. I feel like the posts will be more concise, and hopefully more likely to be helpful. I link any reviews of the products for a more in depth review. 

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

21st Birthday Wishlist

So apparently I'm turning 21 in a few weeks, ummm what? Where did my childhood go and do I really have to be a proper adult? However I am looking forward to it because I'm having a little party for all my friends and family, and I love having everyone I care for in one space!

What has been on your wishlist lately?


Monday, 21 March 2016

Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip in Beeper

Recently I did my first haul from Colourpop, a brand that has had so much hype in the blogging and YouTube world recently. They are so affordable, and the quality is on par with some higher priced brands. Probably my favourite product that I have tried so far is the Ultra Matte Lip Colours. 

Friday, 18 March 2016

March Playlist | 2016

This month I've been listening to a whole bunch of albums in full, which I love to do and I didn't really get the opportunity to last year because it was so hectic. My jam this month has been Dua Lipa's song "Be The One", makes me want to dance like a loony around my room! I've been obbsessing over RUFUS' album Bloom and Lapsley's Long Way Home. Still have been loving the new addition of the Beatles on Spotify, bringing back so many memories of my holiday visiting Liverpool and the Beatles museum. Also, how catchy is "Stiches" by Shawn Mendes! Hope you enjoy and let me know what you've been listening to this month!


Wednesday, 16 March 2016

The Parcel by Marie Claire | The Autumn Edit 2016

After receiving 5 or 6 amazing boxes from The Parcel, I have come to expect a lot from them and what they feature in each season's parcel. This season, I was a little let down. Even though 5 of the 6 products are full size, I feel like the boxes are getting a bit repetitive.


Monday, 14 March 2016

Glitter Smokey Eye with Colourpop Super Shock Shadow in DGAF

Last week, I went out to a festival to celebrate my cousin's birthday and this is what I chose to wear on my face. I have been obsessed with the Colourpop Super Shock Shadow in DGAF since I got it in the mail a couple of weeks ago.It's a warm rose gold colour with green and gold shimmer in it, super stunning.


Friday, 11 March 2016

Euro Trip Part 4: Paris pt2, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Manchester, & London pt2

Here it is, my final installment of my holiday snaps! Exploring the UK was probably my favourite part of my holiday. For a long time I have been thinking about moving there and now that I have seen more parts of the county, I can definitely  see myself living there. Also, going to the Harry Potter Studio Tour was the most amazing experience as a lifelong Potterhead! I've already been planning my next holiday! I've hoped you've enjoyed this little series!

Beautiful views of Paris - Paris

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

All Hail the Beauty Blender

The Beauty Blender is one of the most talked about products in the beauty world. Some people love it and claim it's changed the way they do their makeup. Others feel like it is nothing special and prefer cheaper alternatives. My thoughts? This has changed my makeup game.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Subtle Smokey Eye With The Charlotte Tilbury Dolce Vita Palette

So the other night I wanted to experiment with my Charlotte Tilbury Dolce Vita Palette and I created a soft smokey eye. My makeup skills are still not the best, but I am definitely seeing improvement and I feel like I can start to become more adventurous. I also want to start posting more looks, because I've always been afraid of what people might say about how I look, but lately I've been like "So what!". So I hope you enjoy this look.

Friday, 4 March 2016

My First Colourpop Haul

Everybody and their mum has been raving about Colourpop for a while now. A lot of Youtubers like Kathleen Lights, and Shaaanxo have been using them and I've been obsessed with watching videos about their products. So I went on their website a picked a couple of bits from some of the ranges to give a go. I ordered this on the 24th of Feb and it arrived on the 2nd of March which is so quick considering it had to come to Perth, Australia! It came in a little parcel and inside was some foam to keep it all protected which is great to see.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Euro Trip Part 3: Rome, Florence, Lucerne, Paris, & The Zagreb

Another batch of photos from my amazing holiday! Exploring the Uffizi Gallery was something I didn't get the opportunity to do last time in Florence so it was at the top of my list this time. The amount of art in this place is amazing! I spent Christmas in Croatia with some of my Mum's side of the family as she is from there, but sadly I had a chest infection that week so it wasn't the greatest of times, but it was so good to see my extended family!

The beautiful Trevi Fountain - Rome

The Uffizi Gallery - Florence
The Swiss Alps - Lucerne

The sparkly Eiffel Tower - Paris

St Marks Church - Zagreb


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