Thursday, 8 October 2015

While I've Been Away . . .

I have been absent for a few months on here. Life has been quite hectic lately and I didn't want my blog to suffer, but it did. I'm my last semester of uni and I feel like I live at university these days. If I have any spare time, I've been working because I'm going on a holiday at the end of the year! I'll go more into depth about my holiday in another post but I'm so excited.

I've also been really confused about what I want to do with my life after I finish university. I was contemplating doing honours, but I tried to fill out the form so many times but I was just not motivated to do it and kept finding myself putting it aside. I think one of the main reasons I wanted to stay at uni was to be with all my friends as we have all become really close in the last three years. I find it hard to make other friends and I think that by leaving university, I'll be leaving all my friends behind which obviously is not the case. And if the main reason of dong another year is university is to be with friends and not for my own interest, then why should I do it?I might want to come back and do it in a few years but not right now. Another option I've been thinking of is moving to Melbourne next year to either work or study in the field of arts management. In this field, there are not a lot of opportunities in Perth, where as Melbourne probably had the biggest arts scene in Australia. I've stayed in Melbourne before and I really love it, especially their weather. It's much milder than Perth! I have a few distant cousins who live there, but other than that, I don't really know anyone who lives there. I think that will be the biggest challenge if I end up moving, making new friends.

I think at the beginning of next year I really want to have good think about what I want to do and where I want to be in the next few years. My advice to you is to never feel like you have to be pressured into knowing what you want to do once you leave school or even university. I almost finished university and I still don't have a clear idea! 

I want to get back into the routine of blogging, and while I'm still going to be super busy, I still hope I can squeeze in at least a post a week.

Lots of love,




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