Monday, 12 October 2015

Euro Trip 15/16

November can not come any faster for me, I finish my last semester, and then, EURO TRIP! I have been saving my butt off for the last 3 years, working all the days nobody wants to work, a.k.a. every public holiday. Now finally the time has come where all that hard work has paid off and I'm going to be spending 2 months in Europe between the end of November and the end of January. Here is the terrifying part, I'm going solo. Initially, my plan was to go with a few friends but they either kept changing their minds on what they wanted to do or they would not have enough money even though they were spending it on some useless things. So I thought, screw them, I'm going on my own!

I have mixed feelings of excitement and anxiety right now. I have been to Europe before but I've never been alone. The closet to going away by myself I've been to is a flight from Adelaide to Perth. I am going on a Contiki for the first 3 weeks which will be great for me to make new friends and hopefully some are staying after the trip to have some people to hang around with. Also, I've got a week that I'm spending with my Mum's side of the family in Croatia for Christmas, and hopefully it will be a white one!

The thought of packing terrifies me because even though there are winters in Perth, none of my winter clothes are no were near enough suitable for Europe! If anyone has any tips on what to pack, hit me up! My parents, as a ridiculously early Christmas present, got me a Samsung NX3000 camera to take with me away. I'm really excited to see a lot of things we didn't make it to last time and enjoy the European winter.

If anyone has any travel tips, please share them below! I would love to hear them and it would help me out a great deal!


1 comment

  1. That is SO exciting! I'm very, very jealous - I hope you have the best time! Yep, definitely stock up on a good warm jacket to take with you, you'll need it!

    Ash / The Beauty Collection


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