Monday, 27 October 2014

The Book Club #1 | Man Repeller

Welcome to my book club! When I was little up until the end of high school, reading was my life. I'd go through books like nobody's business. When I reached uni, instead of reading at night, I'd be up on my laptop surfing the internet and watching youtube videos for hours! Just recently, I bought a few books to get me back in the habit of reading before bed to help me get to sleep easier and this is the first one, Man Repeller by Leandra Medine.

This book is such a great little book; it's a bit quirky, talks about (sometimes) bad fashion choices, boys, and the ability of certain outfits or clothes to shape our memories. I laughed out loud in many bits and some even reminded of some old memories involving some weird clothes I have worn it the past. I don't want to give too much away, but it's a great read for anyone who loves fashion and wants a good light hearted book to read.



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