Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Lush Christmas Haul

You know Christmas is on it's way when Lush releases their Halloween and Christmas collections! Around Christmas time last year was when I first got into Lush so some of my first products I bought from their are part of the Christmas collection. It brings such fond memories, and I keep my bag of goodies next to my desk so the smell sometimes wafts over while I'm studying which is pleasant. Anyway enough jibber jabber, here is what I picked up!

Firstly, I picked up the Baked Alaska soap because they didn't have Angel's Delight this year, which is so sad! But this soap is lovely and has a mild citrus scent to it. Then I picked up my all time favourite bath bomb, Golden Wonder. I think this is my 3rd or 4th one, it just smells so good and the bath turns an amazing colour when you pop it in. I don't want to give to much away so it's a surprise for you if you get one for the first time! I got 2 little critters, the Christmas Hedgehog and the Christmas Penguin  bubbles bars. These are so cute so I couldn't resist getting them. Next is the Snow Angel bath melt which looks so beautiful, and I love the gold glitter on the back. As you can tell I'm a big fan of glitter. Then I got the Luxury Lush Pud bath bomb which has os many different colours on it so I can only imagine the colourfulness of the bath. Lastly, the famous Lord of Misrule bath bomb. Yes, I know this is Halloween but 1 product is not enough to change the name of the post! This looks amazing and I can only imagine the bath when this goes in, a cool cauldron swish colours. Also not in this picture because I got it a few days later is the So White shower gel. This smells like green apples and has glitter in it, can it be any better than that?

What have you picked up from Lush lately?




  1. Lovely! The Lush stuff that comes out round this time is so adorable. I rarely take baths though so I can never justify purchasing them! Maybe during their 50% off sale hehe!

    Tasha // shiwashiful.

    1. I was never a bath person until I discovered Lush! This stuff will last me a while though, I don't usually get bath products any other time of the year :)



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