Wednesday, 29 March 2017

My Makeup Collection

So I filmed another YouTube video and this time it's my makeup collection! Definitely my favourite kind of video to watch, I just love having a snoop around other people's collection to see what they have and how they store everything. So I hope you enjoy, and I can't wait to get making more videos.

Monday, 27 March 2017

3 Face Masks I Use Regularly

Sunday night is definitely my favourite night for a bit of a pamper, prepping myself for the week ahead. But Friday nights are another great one, for winding down after the long working week. Honestly, why not pamper every night? Run yourself a nice bath with bubbles, paint your nails, Netflix marathon are all some of my favourite ways to chill out but nothing beats a good face mask to give your face a good and thorough cleaning.


Monday, 20 March 2017

An Autumn/Winter Topshop Wishlist

Leopard Print Coat | Don't Touch Me Jumper | Embroidered Skirt
Wide Sleeve Jumper | Frilly Jumper 

Last week, the autumn weather finally came to Perth, and I got so excited! Rugging up in my doona, wearing fluffy socks, and listening to the rain are some of the many things I am excited for this autumn/winter season. But, I am very keen to buy some new winter clothes, especially jumpers. I find that Topshop does some of the best winter clothes, that are a little but different to what's in the other shops.

Friday, 17 March 2017

My First YouTube Video | Everyday Makeup Tutorial 2017

So I finally bit the bullet and uploaded my first You Tube video! It has been something I have wanted to do since 2012 when I first started watching YouTube videos but I have been putting it off either because I didn't have a camera, I didn't like the way I looked, or I was just too nervous. But here we are, 5 years later, and I did it! It's not the greatest quality but I am so proud of myself for pushing myself to film this.

Monday, 13 March 2017

20 Simple Things That Make Me Happy

Even though I do enjoy fancy things every now and then, I am made happy by the simple things in life. I think that some people definitely feel like they need expensive things and big experiences to fulfil their need for happiness and contentment. And yes, I do like to treat myself every know and then. But I think we need to learn how to appreciate the little things more often, because as the saying goes, you don't know what you've got until it's gone. So here are some little things that make me all fluffy and warm inside!

Friday, 10 March 2017

L'Oreal Infallible Total Cover Foundation Review

L'Oreal have released another foundation in their Infallible range. The Infallible Total Cover Foundation is similar to the Infallible Matte in that it claims to have high coverage and a matte finish. But the difference in these are the texture, the Matte is a thin texture that dries down to an almost powdery finish with the Total Cover is more of a moussey texture. I really like the Matte foundation, so I picked this up a few months ago to see how it performs against it's sister foundation.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Wear What You Want

Growing up in a world where we are constantly bombarded with images of the "perfect body", millions of articles of how to get you body "bikini ready" for summer and ones explaining what you shouldn't wear depending on your body. It's very hard to avoid these in our day to day lives, and it affects the metal health and self esteem of many girls (and boys) worldwide. And I'm not going to lie, it definitely had an impact on me during high school and to a certain extent today. But over the past few years, even though I still struggle with having a positive image of myself, I have learnt to block out what other people say or expect and look how I like to. 
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