Monday, 26 October 2015

Upping My Brow Game

Up until 3 years ago, doing my brows was never part of my makeup routine. They matched my hair colour, the shape of them was neat enough to never be plucked or waxed, and I just didn't have any idea of how to maintain them. Then I decided to change my hair colour. I went from an ashy dark blonde to a slight warm medium brunette. Now, my eyebrows are lighter than my hair, which means sometimes it looks like there are none at all. That is when I started to take notice and start to fill them in. I've only ever got them shaped once at that was last year, my eyebrows aren't the perfect shape but they're neat enough to leave alone.


Monday, 12 October 2015

Euro Trip 15/16

November can not come any faster for me, I finish my last semester, and then, EURO TRIP! I have been saving my butt off for the last 3 years, working all the days nobody wants to work, a.k.a. every public holiday. Now finally the time has come where all that hard work has paid off and I'm going to be spending 2 months in Europe between the end of November and the end of January. Here is the terrifying part, I'm going solo. Initially, my plan was to go with a few friends but they either kept changing their minds on what they wanted to do or they would not have enough money even though they were spending it on some useless things. So I thought, screw them, I'm going on my own!


Thursday, 8 October 2015

While I've Been Away . . .

I have been absent for a few months on here. Life has been quite hectic lately and I didn't want my blog to suffer, but it did. I'm my last semester of uni and I feel like I live at university these days. If I have any spare time, I've been working because I'm going on a holiday at the end of the year! I'll go more into depth about my holiday in another post but I'm so excited.

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