Thursday, 2 July 2015

Best Of The Beauty Books

I am a bit of bookworm, not going to lie. I like books about music, history, crime thrillers, chic lit, fantasy, and of course beauty. Lately, there has been an insurgence of beauty books on the market, and I've been so intrigued to see what each one has to offer. I found that a few years ago, most beauty books were just full of step by step instructions. But these days, they offer instil information into the world of beauty, and not just the makeup side.

One of my favourites for general beauty information is Amazing Face by Zoe Foster-Blake. The thing I love about this book is that as you're reading it, you feel like a friend is telling you this information. It's informative but casual at the same time. Another thing I love about this book is that it doesn't expect you to go out and buy all the expensive products, she recommends a good mixture of high end and drugstore. It also talks about how outside factors such as sun, water, and diet can effect your skin.

A book that's been out for a lot longer is Makeup Manual by Bobbi Brown, the queen of natural makeup. This book is a perfect guide to anyone who is new to makeup and wants to be able to get better or people who want to make a career out of makeup. She talks about the steps she took to get to where she is now and tips on the makeup industry. This book also talks a little about skincare and lifestyle but the main focus is definitely makeup.

Lastly, this book is probably one of the most talked about books of the last year. It's Pretty Honest by Sali Hughes, and yes, it does live up to it's title. This book cuts all the crap about beauty and tells you exactly what you need to know. It doesn't just talk about the general beauty stuff, it has chapters on botox, managing counter staff, and ho to receive compliments. This book is just really honest and doesn't mislead you in anyway. I think this book is perfect for someone who is sometimes confused and overwhelmed with the beauty world, this will have everything you need to know and all your questions answered.

Do you have any other beauty books you would recommend?



1 comment

  1. Thank you for sharing this! I've had the Bobbi Brown book sitting in my Amazon basket forever but just wasn't sure whether or not I'd find it interesting/of any use. I've never heard of Amazing Face but it sounds really good!


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