Saturday, 27 June 2015

Seven Deadly Sins of Beauty.

I've seen this tag doing the rounds lately on my Bloglovin' feed so I thought I would put my two cents in. Tags are a great way to see exactly what another blogger thinks, it's almost like having a conversation with them and you're left knowing more about that person. So without further ado, here are my seven deadly sins of beauty!

GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive?

My most inexpensive item would probably have to be my Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balms. I think they're around $4, which is great but I don't really think they are that effective anymore. My most expensive would have to be my Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette, which I bought online from the USA before Urban Decay arrived at Mecca Maxima. The quality of the eyeshadows are definitely worth the price tag!

WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with? What products has been the hardest to get?

I have a love/hate relationship with my Stila Stay All Day Foundation. Somedays it cakes up on me and looks so horrible. Other days, it looks so flawless. WHY!? One day I'll figure you out! At the moment, it's more on the love side. The Lorac Pro Palette was really difficult to get. I ended up getting it online from the USA, but it was often sold out so it took a few goes. At the moment, I'm wanting to get the Urban Decay Concealer, but my shade, the lightest, has been sold out ever since it arrived at Mecca Maxima over 4 months ago!

GLUTTONY: What are your most delicious beauty products?

It definitely goes to my Lush Let The Good Times Roll Face Cleanser. I've never tasted it, but it smells so tasty! It's got a caramel and popcorn scent to it, and my face smells so delicious after washing it using this. 

SLOTH: What beauty products do you neglect due to laziness?

Probably body moisturisers. I'm alright now, but I never used to use them. It's probably less to do with laziness, and more to do with forgetting. It's just a step that I didn't really need and it was the last thing on my mind after coming out of the shower.

PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?

Definitely red or dark lipstick! I just feel a lot more confident when I'm wearing it, almost like I've got an alter ego. Whenever I'm going out, I always apply a dark lipstick, unless there's going to be a lot of eating, it's almost become a routine. My favourite shade would have to be M.A.C.'s Diva.

LUST: What products are you currently lusting over?

So many! I'm going on holiday at the end of the year, so I'm trying to cut back my spending, but there are still a few things on my wish list. The Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette looks like the most beautiful thing ever, so I want to get my hands on that. I've got my eye on a Chanel foundation, the Velvet Perfection Lumiere. And lastly, I'm thinking of starting up a M.A.C. palette!

ENVY: What items would you most like to receive as a gift?

Probably something that I wouldn't be able to justify spending money on. Maybe a YSL lipstick, the packaging is so luxurious but so expensive! Also, I've been eyeing the Zoeva Rose Gold Brush Set. I probably don't need anymore brushes but they look so good! I love matching sets, my OCD inside loves those kinds of things!

I tag everyone to do this! Let me know if you do in the comments so I can check it out.



1 comment

  1. I loved your answers! I did this tag a while ago:

    Love, Charline | Charline Has a Blog


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