Tuesday, 30 June 2015

June Favourites | 2015

So officially, half the year is over. WHAAAAT?! This year has gone by so quickly so far, and the rest of it probably will too. Next moth, I'll be starting my last semester of university, and I'll be going to Europe at the end of November for 2 months! I did a bit of shopping the last month, and testing out a lot of new things so I had a few distinct favourites this month.


Saturday, 27 June 2015

Seven Deadly Sins of Beauty.

I've seen this tag doing the rounds lately on my Bloglovin' feed so I thought I would put my two cents in. Tags are a great way to see exactly what another blogger thinks, it's almost like having a conversation with them and you're left knowing more about that person. So without further ado, here are my seven deadly sins of beauty!

Thursday, 25 June 2015


As is my usual tradition, I went on a bit of a shopping trip to celebrate the end of the semester. I got a Mecca Cosmetica gift voucher for my birthday, and I had a list as long as my legs of things I wanted to get. But I picked out a few that I've definitely been eyeing out for a long time!

Firstly, I had six items to Back 2 MAC. When you give them six of their products that you've used up, you get a free lipstick! I ended up picking the shade Peach Blossom because I wanted another nude shade and I kept swatching that one overtime I've been to MAC lately. 

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

June Playlist | 2015

June has been such a crazy busy month! I had a few performances but it was mainly the exams that were stressing me out. Now that they're all done and dusted, I've had some time to relax, do some shopping and listen to some more music. This months playlist is very Eurovision. Eurovision was last month and I was obsessed. It includes some of my favourite songs from this year's competition and a few new songs by old Eurovision contestants.

Monday, 22 June 2015

The Parcel by Marie Claire | The Winter Edit 2015

As usual, this season's box is worth the money! I swear, every month there seems to be more and more samples. And the thing is, the majority are full size products! This season's box, Winter, is all about hydration, with a few little goodies in there as well. You get three of the Neutrogena Hydro Boost Mask which I think is a new product because I've never seen it before on the shelfs at Priceline. I don't know if it's just me, but I never really see in sheet masks at the drugstore, I've only really heard of the more expensive ones. I'm super excited to give this a go! Also from Neutrogena, you get their Make-up Remover Cleansing Towelettes. I've tried these before and I didn't enjoy using them, so I'm going to give these to my mum because she uses these ones. The Lanolips Lemonade Lip Aid is something everyone raves about, so now I finally have the chance to try it. My lips are really dry, especially in the winter so this will be good to compare with other products I use on my lips. The Estee Lauder Revitalising Supreme Global Anti-Aging Creme is something I'll also pass on to my mum because this is something that is targeted towards her skin more than mine.


Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Hair Removal 101 With Veet

Hair removal, one of the many banes of my life. Shaving my legs and underarms has become a chore I dread. Luckily, I've only cut myself once and that was because I shaved on dry legs *cringe*. 14 year old Lauren learnt pretty quickly from then on that legs should be lathered up before going over them with a harsh razor. Meet have launched a new informative website helping you to find the best way of hair removal to suit your skin type and your preference. I got sent a few things from Veet to try out and let you know what I find best for me and maybe you can find something for yourself.
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