Monday, 3 March 2014

Empties No.1

I feel like these past months i've gone through so much stuff it's crazy! I've just finished my 3 months holiday so that allowed me time to use up all my products. A lot of this is just general stuff I use, not too exciting!

First are my 2 empty packets of cotton wipes, I use these everyday so I go through these so quickly. Same as the Simple Cleansing Wipes as there are 3 packets of those. I haven't tried any other wipes out but these ones do the job and don't irritate my skin like when I tried the orange Nutrogena ones. I have an empty bottle of the Biore Steam Activated Cleanser. I had this for a while before I used it as you can tell because this is the old packaging. I bought another one but it doesn't feel the same as the old one, but I think they're still the same formula which is weird. I have an empty bottle of my favourite Cutex nail polish remover, already stocked up on another 2 bottles! The Clinique Take the Day Off is the best at removing my eye makeup. It can be a bit greasy at times but it does the job so why complain? I bought another one but I'm also trying out the Bioderma as everyone and their Grandma talks about this stuff!

I have 2 empty Lush pots, saving these to take in to get my free face mask! The first is their Herbalism Cleanser which I found to be alright though I hated the smell. It smelled like nature (don't laugh!). I'm just not a big fan of that smell. The other one is the Let The Good Times Roll Cleanser. It was a Christmas product so i stocked up on a another one before they sold out. These aren't recommended for oily skin but I don't use it every night. It makes your skin feel baby smooth and you smell like caramel popcorn! I have a travel sized Body Shop Shower Gel in Madagascan Vanilla, which I took away with me when I went to Melbourne. Usually i don't like vanilla smells but I loved this one. I got another one of these for Christmas that I'm saving for another trip. Lastly I have the Girlz Only Dry Shampoo for Brunette. This is a really cheap alternative for Batiste and it works amazing! I want to try out the Batiste but they're always out of the brunette one at Priceline.

This post isn't the most exciting of posts but I thought I would show you guys the stuff I've used up which is what I generally use on an every day basis.


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