Wednesday, 22 January 2014

REVIEW | Revlon Lash Potion Volume + Length Waterproof Mascara


Sorry I haven't been consistent in posting but life has been surprisingly busy since I've arrived home from Melbourne. By the end of this week I promise to have a set schedule to which I shall hopefully follow. Anyway, to the review!

This is Revlon's Lash Potion Volume + Length Waterproof Mascara in Blackened Brown. Ok, I didn't mean to get the Waterproof OR Blackened Brown! I was in a rush to get to work so I picked one up assuming they were all the same. I was wrong.

It claims to "Magically transform lashes to lush, long and lustrous"according to the Revlon website. And I have to say, I'm loving it! The colour Blackened Brown is great for everyday use as it gives your lashes a natural looking colour plus giving them a whole lotta length! My lashes are naturally short so this is great for me on days when I just want a casual look. This also doesn't leave any clumps on my lashes which is another bonus.It can be a pain to remove though because it's waterproof but that can be easily changed by buying the regular mascara. Also, I really love the packaging; slim and beautiful colours.

I would give this a big thumbs up as a daily mascara for the natural look it creates with your lashes! Let me know your thoughts on this mascara, I would love to hear everyone's thoughts!




  1. As if my mascara obsession wasn't ridiculous enough, i now 'NEED' to buy this.
    I really like your blog by the way! you seem really lovely and you actually have an opinion which is refreshing.
    Hannah xx

    1. Thank you for your comment! You're so sweet! Thanks for checking it out, the nice comments make it all worthwhile :)
      Your blog's amazing too!


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