Friday, 31 January 2014

January Favourites ♡

Hello! I can't believe it's already the end of January! Time has been flying right by and it's almost time to go back to Uni! Crazy! So that means it's time to share my January favourites with you all. I have no skincare favourites because I've been using all the same products so I haven't tried out anything new.


I haven't tried out a lot of new products this month, some are just rediscovered favourites! Firstly, I have rediscovered my Maybelline Master Shape Brow Pencil in Deep Brown. I've had this for about 2 years, but I never used it at first because this was a lot darker than my natural hair colour. But after dying my hair last year, it finally matches but I only started using this after Christmas. It comes with a spoolie on the end which is great for brushing the product through. Another rediscovery is the Revlon Colorburst Lip Gloss in Peony. My Aunty bought it back from South Africa for me a few months back but I lost it then found it a few weeks ago. The colour is amazing! It's like a peachy pink with a slight gold shimmer, so pretty! The MAC Blush in Melba is such a gorgeous matte colour for summer, it's like a dusty peachy pink (my colour descriptions are terrible!). It stays on for ages without getting all smudgy from the Summer heat. You all know my love for the Revlon Lash Potion Volume & Length Waterproof mascara, I'll leave a link here so you can read about it in more depth. And I have come to one of my favourites of all time! My Napoleon Perdis Auto Pilot Pre-Foundation Skin Primer. I forgot to put it in my 2013 favourites but this stuff is amaze balls! It feels so moisturising when I put it on and it makes my makeup stay on all day long! The only bad thing about this is the price tag at $59 for 50ml (ouch!) but it's worth it for the quality results!


I've seen a few movies this month and I've loved them all. I saw Frozen, Anchorman 2 and the Book Thief. In my opinion, the book was a lot better than the movie but the movie is still amazing! If  you haven't read the book, I suggest you read it. It is the beautifully written books I have ever read and made me cry so much! Check it out! Also, I've been really getting into AlunaGeorge's album Body Music. Usually I don't listen to that kind of music but it's really catchy and just a great album all together.

Hope everyone had a happy January!



Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Collective Haul


So it's almost the end of January and I STILL haven't gotten my blogging together yet! I'm such procrastinator, an awful habit to have acquired!But  I promise I will try my hardest! Anyway, this past week I went shopping a few times, whoops. Here's a collective haul of all the things that have managed to slip into my ownership of the past week;

Firstly, before I went to work last week, I went through Myer and they had 30% of the majority of Revlon so I steered towards the Revlon counter. I ended up getting the Revlon PhotoReady Skinlights in Pink Light and one of the Revlon Colorburst Balm Stains in Rendezvous. I had been eyeing these for a while and the sale was about to end, so I thought I'd pick them up now to save some money in the future. I also stopped by Priceline, and picked up a Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate Lipstick no.16and a Rimmel 60 Second Nail Varnish in Instyle Coral. Both of those colours are real "Summer" shades!

Secondly, I went to the city in search of a new foundation and came out with more (as per usual). I've wanted to try a MAC foundation for a while but been put off by the price tag. I finally went over to the MAC counter and was helped by a really nice lady. She recommended Studio Fix and applied it along with primer, concealer, powder and blush. She matched my shade which is NW10 (I'm so pale!) and I caved and bought it. It felt so good during the day and was quite happy with the outcome. The smell of Lush lured me in and I bought the Tea Tree Water and Dark Angels Cleanser which I'm excited to try! Then I popped by JB Hi-Fi and bought the About a Boy DVD because who doesn't love Hugh Grant and his accent, and the AlunaGeorge CD, which is fast becoming a favourite.

Lastly, I popped by Kmart after I heard all their makeup was on clearance. Obviously everyone knew before me because it looked like a supermarket after an apocalypse has been announced and everyone is stocking up! I ended up buying a Revlon Colorburst Balm Stain in Charm, a Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter in Pink Lemonade and a Rimmel Apocalips in Solstice. All together that cost me $20! Bargain! I would have loved to have bought more but the shelves were empty!

Hope this inspires you like all the other hauls do for me! Anyone buy anything interesting this week? I would love to hear from you all!


Thursday, 23 January 2014

Winter Wishlist

Someone needs to stop me from going online shopping! Especially for winter clothes! You should all know that winter is my favourite season because of the weather and clothes. Also, can you tell what my favourite colour is?


Winter Wishlist

Tokyo Doll vintage black dress
$9.94 -

Black velvet dress
$33 -

Topshop brown top

Topshop coat

Topshop golf skirt

Black leather skirt
$30 -

Black ankle boots
$41 -

Topshop lips lipstick


Wednesday, 22 January 2014

REVIEW | Revlon Lash Potion Volume + Length Waterproof Mascara


Sorry I haven't been consistent in posting but life has been surprisingly busy since I've arrived home from Melbourne. By the end of this week I promise to have a set schedule to which I shall hopefully follow. Anyway, to the review!

This is Revlon's Lash Potion Volume + Length Waterproof Mascara in Blackened Brown. Ok, I didn't mean to get the Waterproof OR Blackened Brown! I was in a rush to get to work so I picked one up assuming they were all the same. I was wrong.

It claims to "Magically transform lashes to lush, long and lustrous"according to the Revlon website. And I have to say, I'm loving it! The colour Blackened Brown is great for everyday use as it gives your lashes a natural looking colour plus giving them a whole lotta length! My lashes are naturally short so this is great for me on days when I just want a casual look. This also doesn't leave any clumps on my lashes which is another bonus.It can be a pain to remove though because it's waterproof but that can be easily changed by buying the regular mascara. Also, I really love the packaging; slim and beautiful colours.

I would give this a big thumbs up as a daily mascara for the natural look it creates with your lashes! Let me know your thoughts on this mascara, I would love to hear everyone's thoughts!



Wednesday, 8 January 2014

My 2013 Beauty Favourites

Hello all!

So everyone is getting into the swing of 2014 which is exciting! My year so far sounds awesome so far, Melbourne in a few days, and starting my second year of university (eeeek!). But 2013 was pretty fabulous to say the least, as it was in March when I really started to get beauty obsessed and finally plucked up the courage to start this blog in November. And now, like everyone else, I would LOVE to share with you my 2013 beauty favourites!

Have a beautiful 2014 everyone!


Friday, 3 January 2014

What I got for Christmas (Beauty Related)

Hello all!

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This post may be a bit late, but I finally decided to sort through my bags of gifts to put them away for use. This year I got a lot of beauty related products for gifts which I'm all very grateful for. I hope you don't think this a bragging post because that is not was this is about. I just wanted to share with you all these awesome products I received.

Firstly, from my cousin as a secret Santa present, I got the Chi Chi Glamorous Colour Kit Nudes. I have been wanting that Nudes palette for a while as I see it as a substitute for the Naked palettes as they are hard to get in Australia. This kit comes with 2 eyeshadow palettes, a bronzer, a blush, and two lip glosses. From my sister I got Marc Jacobs' Oh Lola EDP. His perfumes are the most amazing scents ever, I'm really into fruity/floral scents and this is my 3rd perfume by him! And it won't be my last! From a friend I got a Madagascan Vanilla Flower gift set which is really beautiful. Another friend got me a few things from Lush, the Karma Solid Perfume, a Big Blue Bath Ballistic and the Magic Wand Bubble Bar. We both had a limit at Lush to get each other some things we wanted or things we thought it each other would love, it was very fun.

From one Aunty I got a Peter Alexander Shower Cap which is really cute, and an Opi Nail Lacquer in Tiffany Case. From my Aunty and Uncle I got the Tommy Hilfiger Loud for Her EDT Gift Set. I've never heard of this one before but it smells so fresh and light.

From my parents I got 4 Artiste by Manicare brushes. These brushes are pretty good and are great for travelling as they are smaller than average brushes. I also got from them the MOR's Destination London Hanging Fold Out Cosmetic Case. I had been wanting this for a while as my old cosmetic bag was getting too small and started to rip at the seams. I'm heading off to Melbourne in a few days so I'm excited to try this out to see how everything fits because I tend to take my whole bathroom in my makeup bag (oops). It also came with a free Honey body scrub which smells yummy even though I'm not a fan of honey. I also got some money which I bought Napoleon Perdis' Auto Pilot Pre-Foundation Skin Primer. This stuff is very pricey and when I ran out a few days before Christmas, I had a mini breakdown. So when my parents gave me some money for Christmas I knew what I was going to put it towards. This stuff is amazing, I don't know where I would be without it but I'm on the hunt for a cheaper primer.

Lastly, in my Santa stocking I received, a Manicare Eyelash Curler, a Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balm in Soothing CherrySimple Cleansing Facial WipesThe Body Shops Pink Grapefruit Shower Gel and a Body Shop Bath Lily. All the things I get from Santa in my stocking are usually all essential things which is great!

I hope everyone one got what they wished for and had a good Christmas spending time with all your loved ones. What did everyone else get for Christmas, let me know!



Thursday, 2 January 2014

New Year's Resolutions!

Hello all! Happy New Year everybody!

For me, 2013 was a pretty fabulous year! I started my first year of Uni, passed my first year of Uni (yay!), turned 18, made a whole bunch of amazing friends, finally started to shake off my performance nerves and finally plucked up the courage to start this blog! However, there are some things that I planned to do last year that I didn't exactly accomplish (saying last year totally freaked me out).

I never really set out New Year's resolutions as I know I never keep them. But I thought I finally needed to get my act together and start making little changes in order to improve my wellbeing.

Blog More
When I started this blog, I thought I'd be posting at least once a week, which turned out to be not true. 
So this year, I want to get my act together and post regularly on this blog. I've wanted to do this for a while so I should be making the most of this blog by committing to it!

Eat Better
I say this every year, "Yes Lauren, you can do this, you can avoid all this bad food for a year!". The next day I end up at the checkouts at Woolworths before work finding myself with a handful of Caramello Koalas (aka. the greatest food in the world). Bad Lauren. But this year I mean it. Instead of trying to cut out all bad foods, I'll eat smaller portions, take my own lunch to work and uni and say no to chocolate sometimes.

Try Harder At Uni
I got my uni grades a few weeks ago and they were average. I know I didn't try as hard as I could have so the only person to blame was me. I am a procrastinator so I make life difficult for myself by cramming. This year, I aim to have a study routine and a practice routine so I can really improve my grades.

I'm going to look back at this in a year's time and either think "Well that was a failure", or "I know that I have improved myself in these 3 areas". Let's hope it's the latter!

I'd love to know if anyone else has any New Year's resolutions and how you plan to tackle them! Good luck!

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