Monday, 9 February 2015

Pinterest Love | Dream Apartment #1

Images via Pinterest

I think everyone dreams of the day they fly the nest and move into their own home or apartment. If everything works out this year as planned, I may be doing just that next year and moving to Melbourne! Then hopefully London! I definitely see myself living in the city so I have my sights set on a cosy little apartment. Obviously, I am on a student budget so my apartment will not look like the ones above, but that is why the board is call "Dream Apartment". I use this board on Pinterest to pin pictures of interiors of homes to collect ideas on what I want my future dwelling to resemble.

I love slanted roofs with windows like this one. It is definitely more of a European thing, as I don't see a lot of buildings here with roofs like that. It just makes for a cosy corner. As you can see, I like a white palette. As I have now, I want a white comforter so I can then add pops of colour where I want to. Of course, as a treat when I move out, I'll be getting some Aesop hand soap. Why not?! I think it might be a bit risky for me to get a white sofa. I'm just so messy and I sure it will get stained by the end of it's first week of use. I love this grey sofa, as it still comforts to the black/white colour palette I'm aiming for.



1 comment

  1. I know what you mean! Everyone is eager to experience living life alone, although they should be reminded that it's not all just fun and games. It's gonna be a rollercoaster ride, but the good will outweighs the bad. At any rate, I think you have an amazing sense of style. I'm loving all the greys and whites! I genuinely hope you get to live in your dream apartment soon. Thanks for sharing that! All the best! :)

    Lois Becker @ Finlay Brewer


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