Thursday, 12 June 2014

Makeup For When You're Feeling Poorly

Well my second dose of the flu this year couldn't have come at a better time. Not. I just started my lot of exams this week and next and I had a performance last night. Lets just say that playing the flute when you can't even manage to swallow is not the best experience. The performance was at my old school and I didn't want to look like an extra in Frozen. Picture this, blue lips, skin a shade lighter than white, and I'm supposed to stand under a spotlight for 10 minutes. Not ideal. So I rummaged through my makeup draw to find any product that featured the words brightening, illuminating and anything that had a shimmer. I don't own many products like this because of my oily skin and I prefer a matte face. So here are some of the products that made me look like I hadn't spent the last 12 hours in bed.

*Sorry for no pictures, I'm still in bed, and it's 6 in the evening. I got home from my exam and dressed in my pyjamas straight away. Living the life!

Firstly underneath my foundation, I used Revlon PhotoReady Skinlights in Pink Light. I applied it to where one would usually highlight; the cupids bow, my cheekbones, above my nose, and underneath my brows. I gives a slight shimmer, but when you apply foundation over the top, you look healthy and glowing. Then I used M.A.C. Select Cover- Up in NW15 for underneath my eyes to highlight as my bags were in full form that day. Even though it is a shade darker than my foundation - yes I am that pale - it still brightens the area well. And no creasing, hurrah! Lastly, I used my NARS Blush in Deep Throat - still giggling - on my cheeks as it adds a nice shimmer without looking like oil slick. Also, the rest of my products I used on my face that night were just some regulars; M.A.C Studio Fix Fluid in NW 10, Napoleon Perdis Primer, M.A.C. Studio Fix Powder in C2, M.A.C Studio Fix Concealer in NW20, ChiChi Classics Palette, M.A.C. Eyeshadow in Wedge, Australis Lip Liner in Nude, M.A.C. Lipstick in Mehr.

So again, sorry for the lack of posts, once exams are over I will have an abundance of time on my hands to have some fun. Also, the day after my last exam, I'm going on my bi-yearly end-of-exams shopping spree. I can't wait!


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