Wednesday, 28 September 2016

NARS Blush in Outlaw

When people think of blush, one of the first brands to spring to mind would be NARS. Their blushes are some of the most talked about and probably one of the best known blushes in the beauty world is their shade Orgasm. The combination of a great range of colours, the vivid pigmentation, and the not so subtle names are what makes them so popular. Naturally I have two, Deep Throat, a peach with shimmer, like Orgasm but less sparkle, and Outlaw, a light berry shade.
Usually I wouldn't go for something that dark on my pale/almost white skin tone. But after a friend got this for me one year for Christmas, I decided I should branch out and be more experimental with the shades I put on my cheeks. Surprisingly, I really liked the result. Used lightly, it adds a nice deep flush without looking muddy or like I've spent a good hour sprinting. I definitely have to be light handed with this but it adds a beautiful wash off colour to my face, especially during the cooler months.

Have you tried this colour, and what are your favourite deeper shades of blush?


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