Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Mini Mecca Maxima Haul

I recently worked an extra 24 hours at work the other week, and I got a big pay slip! Most of that money went into my savings for my Euro Trip at the end of the year, but I thought I would treat myself with a few things from Mecca Maxima.

I firstly got the Origins GinZing Refreshing Eye Cream as I had got a sample of it a long time ago and I really enjoyed it. My under eye area has been getting really dry lately so I thought it would be time to get an eye cream. And now for my two favourite things in my life at the moment. I love glitter but I've always been afraid to use it in my makeup, so I thought I would give it a go. The Urban Decay Heavy Metal Liner in Distortion is so beautiful and I'm excited to try this. The Urban Decay Mooniest Eyeshadow in Solstice is a blue/red duo chrome shadow that look so beautiful! I'm really excited to have a play around with this.

Do you love wearing glitter in your makeup?



1 comment

  1. The liner looks interesting. I got a glitter line from Sportsgirl a while back and really enjoyed it :) Unfortunately even mini Mecca hauls cost a lot :(


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