Thursday, 13 November 2014

1 Year Blogiversary

I can't believe it's been a year since I've started this blog! Time flies by! The thing I can't believe is that I actually stuck it out. There were so many times when I ran out of ideas or could not be bothered blogging. This is a new hobby for me and I want to continue doing this because I'm really enjoying doing this. So thank you for everyone that has followed and is reading my blog, I never thought I'd have this many followers by this time!

Also, thank you for helping me reach over 200 followers, that was a huge surprise! So massive thank you's for all! I'm planning to do a giveaway soon, but I'm on a spending ban at the moment, so nice that finishes, then I'll get together a little pack as a thank you present for one of you guys!

Thank you again!




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