Saturday, 31 May 2014

♡ May Favourites ♡

♡ Beauty ♡
This month I've fallen in love with the NARS Blush in Deep Throat. I still giggle at the name, I'm so immature. But the colour is amazing (this picture does it no justice), and the slight shimmer is perfect for me. I've been loving the MAC Studio Fix Fluid in NW10 for a few months now but I keep forgetting to mention it. I love the coverage it gives, I don't find myself getting too oily during the day and the colour is perfect for me! Finally! And I have been loving the MAC Lipstick in Mehr (Matte), which is the prefect nude-pink colour for me, especially during the winter. The NYX Mega Shine Lip Gloss in Natural was a bit of a surprise favourite for me. I never tend to go for lipsticks but I bought a few NYX ones the other day. This one is not sticky, but more of a creamy formula which I love. I've been wearing it everyday since I got it, which is shocking!

♡ Music ♡
As it is coming up to exams, I've been listening to a lot of classical music so I haven't discovered much. But as this was the month of Eurovision, I have had the official CD on repeat. My favourites this year were Armenia, France, Azerbaijan, Italy, Switzerland, Montenegro, and Romania. But France! They were a band called Twin Twin, and they were pretty awesome! I bought there album, Vive la Vie, and it's pretty damn good. Fun music to dance around your room to, what more could you ask for!

♡ Movies + TV ♡
To be honest, I've watched Frozen about 5 times this month. And I don't regret it. It's amazing, what can I say. And I still die inside every time when Hans turns out to be a bastard, he was just so sweet in the beginning. WHY HANS WHY!? Also, I've been rewatching Misfits from the very beginning. It's. Just. So. Good. You. Should. Watch. It. No really, you should, it's fab.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

MIX TAPE | Dancing with Myself ♡

If your like me, then you have exams coming up in the next few weeks ( which explains my absence). ARGH! One thing I do to stop stressing out while I'm studying is to have a 15 minute break and just dance around my room like a fool. No ones watching, so I just go for it. I have a good laugh thinking about if I were to do this in public, everyone would think I'd be on some kind of drugs. But no drugs are involved here, just good old fashioned crazy-dancing. So here's a playlist of my favourite songs to crazy dance to, enjoy!


Thursday, 15 May 2014

My Precious | NARS Blush in Deep Throat

SoI finally caved and purchased a NARS blush. I was quite sad to depart with my money but I think this purchase is worth every dollar. I have been looking at a few different ones but I wasn't sure which one would suit me the best. So I went to the Mecca Cosmetica store in the city and asked one of the lovely ladies there which one she would recommend for me. She pick out the NARS Blush in Deep Throat and applied it so I could see how it looks. It has a slight shimmer but doesn't make my skin look oily. I was super happy with it so I bought it. And all night, I received compliments at work about my makeup and my blush, so I think this purchase was a big winner!

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